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DDW22 | Talks recap: Future Cities

Door Dutch Design Week

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As more and more people live in cities, consider how we can adapt architecture and urban design to the changing needs of all life forms. Future Cities As the human population keeps populating this planet and its cities, consider how architecture and urban design can create carbon-neutral and nature-friendly solutions. How do we create buildings, cities and spaces that include the needs of nature as well as humans?

Charlotte Thomas & Afke Laarakker | editors at de Architect

Dirk van der Peijpe | Founder De Urbanisten
Marjan van Aubel | Solar designer and founder of The Solar Movement
Klaas Jan Wardenaar | Landscape architect and ecologist and co-founder and owner of SMARTLAND landscape architects
Mirjam Schmull | Programme manager at Merwede LAB Utrecht
Marco Broekman | Architect and urban designer at BURA urbanism
Johannes Barckmann | Head of global events & showcars EDAG

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