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Atelier NL calls for soil from Eindhoven

22 September 2019

De StraatMakers (a.k.a. former DDW ambassador Atelier NL) need you for DDW19! Roll up your sleeves: share your soil and your story.

What is the connection that you have with the earth right under your feet? Scoop out some soil from your backyard, a forest, park or other favorite place, and briefly explain why specifically this earth is of value to you.

Starting today, De StraatMakers (a.k.a. former DDW ambassador Atelier NL) will drive through Eindhoven with a cargo bike to collect soil samples. These will represent the valuable colours, textures and stories of our city in a presentation at DDW.

Fill a glass weck jar with earth and sing up your soil and story via the website of A World of Sand. Here you will receive a unique location ID number. Clearly put that number on the jar and give it to the driving StraatMakers. Or bring it to Atelier NL before 8 October, Bergmannstraat 76 in Eindhoven.

Together, our stories from the street make the city what it is today.

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