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(Archive) Weaving activism into the fabric of everyday life

This project was part of DDW 2022

This is a short workshop that makes use of sketchnoting - a form of visual note taking that combines texts with simple drawings - to take participants from concern to action through a process of sketching a personal identity (I am), a concern (I see) and an intervention ( I propose).

Practical and hands-on

Weaving activism into the fabric of everyday life is a short paper-based sketching workshop concerned with ways of bringing activism into everyday life. This is a very practical, hands on workshop that proposes to use co-design and activism strategies grounder in everyday life contextualised in a broader structural level from a citizen's perspective.

The workshop makes use of sketchnoting - a form of visual note taking that combines texts with simple drawings to take participants from complaint / concern to action through a process of sketching a personal identity (I am), a concern (I see) and an intervention ( I propose). Participants will be engaged in an easy and entry level activity (map your thoughts into paper) that will be specific and situated to their particular concern. They will walk away from the workshop with an action plan in the form of a few sketches, that map their concern, their existing understanding of the problem area as well as their gaps in knowledge, and a practical and actionable set of next steps together with strategies to continue this outside the workshop.

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